Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Craft's

Here are my most recent craft projects I have gotten done.

Working on my first pattern for a night gown for Natasha's birthday.

Adult throw

waterproof play pen mattress cover

Apron from a pre printed pattern

Baby boy quilt

Baby girl quilt

baby boy quilt

2 espresso bibs

8 gecko bibs

8 dinosaur bibs

2 girly tree bibs

2 fruit bibs

2 retro print bibs

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Learning to sew a bear

Natasha loves to watch me sew, actually all of the children do.  When they can sit up on their own and crawl around they start asking to sit in my lap when I sew.  We got Natasha a lacing felt bear to sew and practice with.  She enjoy's it but gets frustrated easily with the long yarn.  I see lots more practice in her future. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sesame Street time

At garage sale last fall I came across an old Sesame Street house with the people that I had when I was a kid.  A nice lady sold it to me for a dollar and I brought it home and stuck in the garage for a rainy day.  Well, Samuel has been wanting to be more involved with our school days lately so I decided it was a good time to bring something "new" out for him.  

It has become a favorite for him.  He loves playing with the people and taking them in and out.  He also likes how it closes up and he can carry it where ever he goes.  

What toys did you have as a kid that your child/children play with now?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A cousin's visit

Family is important to us and when family comes anywhere with in 9 hours of us, we drive the distance to see them.  Lucky for us, Mathieu's cousin Taylor came to San Francisco (it's only a 2 hr drive).  We enjoyed a wonderful time eating lunch on the wharf and visiting the Ghirardelli Square.   We don't often get one on one time when we go home to visit family so we really treasured this time with Taylor!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday, Nehemiah!!

Nehemiah loves Spiderman.  Therefore only one theme could be used for his party, Spiderman.  I attempted to make his cake, it didn't turn out like I had planned due to some cake malfunction but he loved it all the same and that's all that matters!   We enjoyed a great family celebration with Papa and Grandmomma.  Later in the week we had friends over for Spiderman cupcakes and some Kinect game time.

Happy Birthday Nehemiah!!  We love you sooo much and are so thankful that you are our first blessing!  We are truly blessed to have you for a son and we pray that you continue to grow in Christ and show His love.