My husband is a romantic, but only when he wants to be. But when he wants to be, boy is he good! After the C Family left on Saturday, Mathieu told me to pack a bag with overnight stuff and put on a nice dress, shoes and do my hair if I wanted to. (I had no idea what to think, we don't have any overnight babysitters where we are, so my mind was going crazy!) He left and told me I had about 45 minutes to get ready. The kids were down for a nap and I had plenty of time to curl my hair and paint my toes. A little while later he called and let me know that I needed to come outside. Much to my surprise was my father-in-law pulling into our drive way in our van and Mathieu was right behind him in a rental car. Bryan wasn't suppose to be at our house for another 5 days, so this was a big surprise.

We went to a beautiful, locally owned restaurant in downtown Carmel. We ate amazing steak and chicken and enjoyed Banana's Foster for desert. Afterwards we attempted to walk around Lovers Point, but it was freezing and very comical. We had a little misunderstanding earlier in the afternoon about needing "cokes", I really said "coats", he heard "cokes". :) We then went to a quaint Bed and Breakfast in Pacific Grove. It was on the bay and you could hear the waves through the windows. The room was set up beautifully and we played pool and had a nice surprise of a couples massage. They also served us evening tea and brownies which we enjoyed by the beautiful flowers Mathieu got me. We enjoyed breakfast the following morning in the dining room on antique silver dinnerware. We had baked blueberry french toast, sausage and tea or coffee. It was delicious!

We both throughly enjoyed our night out. It was a much needed relax time for both of us and a time to reconnect. We are so thankful that Bryan was able to come out early and help in this wonderful surprise but we are also thankful for the extra time we got to visit!